Professional trader and teacher of traders
Dr. Alexander Elder

Alexander Elder, M.D., is a professional trader and a teacher of traders. His books, including The New Trading for a Living are international bestsellers among private and institutional traders, translated into 17 languages. Dr Elder was trained as a psychiatrist and served on the faculty of Columbia University. Now he is a full-time trader who shares his hard-earned lessons with his students.
Dr. Elder is the originator of Traders’ Camps, week-long classes for traders. He is the founder of SpikeTrade, a worldwide group of traders. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences in the US and abroad.

Our History
Elder.com was founded by Dr. Alexander Elder in 1988 and originally named Financial Trading Seminars. From the start, the company focused on providing education for serious traders. Here are just a few of our milestones:
1988 – first seminar, presenter – John J. Murphy, author of bestselling Technical Analysis of Financial Markets
1989 – the company starts producing VHS tapes on trading, among the first in the world
1993 – Trading for a Living is published, becomes an international bestseller
1994 – with the emergence of internet, the company registers elder.com and goes online
1996 – the first Traders’ Camp in the Caribbean
2004 – Spike group born in a Traders’ Camp
2007 – the company starts producing webinars for traders, among the first in the world
2011 – the company becomes involved in producing ebooks for traders
Elder.com is always at the cutting edge of modern markets, helping clients become better, more confident traders.
Dr. Elder in Taipei
Our Services
Patricia Liu is the manager of elder.com. She says: “We have only one class of service: first!”
You can expect personal care, serious answers to your questions, and unhurried attention. We want you to become one of many traders who have been our clients for over 30 years.
We know that you want to receive your order as soon as possible and in a perfect condition. We serve clients in every state of the Union, every province of Canada, and every continent in the world.